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Save 15% and toast your Thanksgiving host with a fresh Teleflora bouquet!
I did a little work for you guys to save you money this Mother’s day. But as in my earlier post, I gave you two discount coupon codes for Martha Stewart flowers & bouquet on 1800flowers. Today, let me take you through another beautiful flower designer and online florist – Teleflora.
Teleflora is a big florist of the US and can boast of a huge visitor base with specific searches on Teleflora ranging from 400-500 searches per day on Google by the users. Well, this is significant. Teleflora is picking up significantly owing to its neat interface and good brand promotion through the Media especially the TV. Their Mother’s day Specials on the NBC – America’s Favorite Mom is sure to have a lot of Mom-loving children watching it.
Following are some of the Coupon codes embedded links for Teleflora. Just click on any of these links (actually the Teleflora Promotion codes) and you should get the Teleflora discount code on the top of the landing page. So you do not have to worry but just keep browsing through the website. Read the below links carefully and select whichever suits your needs.
Celebrate Mom with fresh flowers from Teleflora. Order today and Save 15%.
Petal your way into Mom s heart with Teleflora flowers. Now 15% off
Celebrate Mom with fresh Teleflora flowers, now 15% off.
Give Mom fresh Teleflora flowers and save 20% when you purchase 2 or more bouquets.
Celebrate Mom with Fresh flowers and save $5 when you upgrade to a bigger, better bouquet.
Save $5 on box of chocolates when you purchase any Teleflora bouquet.
Save 50% off your service fee on when you purchase a Teleflora product over $50
Telefora has a wide selection of flowers for mom. Save 20% when you choose Roses or Lilies
In case you are too FTD obsessed and are looking for FTD flowers but not getting discounts, I have something for you – a 10% off link for FTD flowers. Well, bear it but this link shall enable your cookie and whenever you visit FTD, you would avail this 10%!
To validate, try browsing FTD without clicking on the below link and just check the price for the same product after clicking on this link. That should keep you coming back to my blog.
The FTD Discount Code:
Buy 15 Tulips receive Free Godiva Chocolates + Free Vase + $10 Off (This is valid till 31st May only)